Hot as the dry Santa Ana winds, Friday Flames reaches a flickering heat to readers and writers.

Please feel free to leave your short scene, the one that creates steam for the audience and fogs up our screen. Add your buy link if you have one.

photo credit: <a href=””>Kamila Gornia</a> via <a href=””>photo pin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>

Here’s a quick excerpt from Remedy Maker, now available in print (

Rhycious brushed the hair off her cheek,
then let his hand slide behind her nape. He leaned down to find her lips with
his own, and she lowered her arms to circle his neck.

 Patience found herself swaying. The
movement of his tongue, the soft laps inside her mouth—as if he stroked her
inner thighs.

“More,” she said, and twisted her body to
get closer to him, forcing his free arm to go around her.

“Any more
and I’ll have us naked on the ground.”


An image of warm sun baking on bare skin
sounded simply delicious. A step back in time to the days when Nymphs wore
little clothing, if any, and lived to frolic their days away.

Rhy’s powerful arms wrapped tight and
held her against his hard body, crushing her breasts to his chest. He slowly
straightened to his full six-and-a-half foot height. Mouths locked in dueling
action, eyes closed, Patience let her boots dangle useless in the air. His
groans echoed in her mouth every time she pushed her hips against his.

woodland gods
. She was
so into him. Driving hot, deep, fast, and firm with her tongue, feeling him
come unglued—one moan at a time.

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