A Mythic Christmas

A Mythic Christmas

Welcome to the Holiday Gifts of Love blog hop!   I’m offering a $20 Amazon gift card to one lucky commenter today. You must leave your email address and answer the question, not just copy and paste (sorry). Gotta weed out the weenies.     The best... Read more
Black Friday Blog Hop!

Black Friday Blog Hop!

Welcome to the blog hop!!  Here’s the fabulous prizes, including mine: EACH blogger will have a giveaway. Yessiree! There are over 200 giveaways to be had, hosted by that Author or Blogger.But that’s not all…. There are THREE grand prizes. You... Read more
Paperback Overload!

Paperback Overload!

Do you ever find yourself with an overload of paperbacks? That’s where I find myself today. I’m stacking books on top, in front, in places books were never meant to be….and I want MORE books! In order to make room for more, I’ve gotta get rid... Read more

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