Some days are tougher than others. It’s been really hot here with temps over 100° F for the past two weeks. We try °not to run our AC below 82° F, which makes sleep a bleeping challenge.

After another restless, sweaty night, I really needed a cup of coffee to wake my ass up. I popped in a Kona pod, turned on the coffeemaker, and—nothing. Damn thing didn’t even turn on. Fine, it’s been acting up, and I knew it was a matter of time before the thing took a dump on me. A hike to the barn to grab the extra coffee maker out of the horse trailer, set up our number two drip, and—nothing. I mean, what are the chances? Right??

At this point, I really don’t need coffee anymore. Out in the garage, stored on top of our tall cabinets, is a box labeled CAMPING. Getting that cup of coffee is personal now. I had to crawl on top of the Hummer in order to reach the box, then crawl back down without scratching the paint. A quick dig and I found it: Old Betsy. The tin stove top, percolating coffee pot that belonged to my father during the Korean War and all his time in the service.

Best damn pot of coffee I’ve ever had.

And that’s when I realized it’s the little things that bring me happiness. My random joy from the simplest of experiences. Since then, I’ve thought of other random things that light up my day and make me smile.

pathway with wooden border in forest

The Power of Nature

I find joy in simply stepping outside. Fresh air instantly boosts my mood (unless it’s freaking 105° and feels like a preheated oven). I love the feeling when the sun shines on my skin or when birds chirp nearby. To walk outdoors reconnects me with the Natural world. Stress seems to slide away (unless I see something else that needs fixing, like the corner fence post). Ten minutes with nature can reboot my well-being. I just need to make sure I’m facing the opposite way of the barn.

blue vinyl record playing on turntable

The Joy of Music

A good song can lift my mood. I used to crank Eric Johnson’s Cliffs of Dover before my girlfriends and I hit the town. Music gives me an instant boost of random joy.

The other day my youngest spawn was blasting music while in the shower. He was singing (he’s damn good, too) along, which surprised me because he knew most of the words. After he opened the bathroom door, music still loud, and heard me singing from my desk, he walked over and we finished the song together: Boni Jovi, Livin’ On A Prayer.

Favorite tracks can bring back great memories. Course, the opposite holds true too, so just don’t go there. LOL. The research I did shows that “listening to music releases dopamine, the feel-good hormone.” Yeah, I’m all about the feel-good. Aren’t you?

closeup photography of gray metal shopping carts

Acts of Kindness

I was at the grocery store where they keep their shopping carts outside. As I walked up, I noticed a little old lady holding the handle of her little purse in both hands, waiting her turn to get a cart. Not one person, they’re all assholes now in my book, offered her a cart. Since I was walking past the cart corral anyway, I just grabbed the nearest cart on the end, pulled it along behind me, and handed it to her.

Did I mention it’s been HOT outside? She was SWEATING. The sweet old lady smiled and winked, then went inside. I saw her again in the dairy section. When it’s hot outside, that’s a nice, cool place to have a chat. She thought the other people (you know, the rude ones who couldn’t be bothered to give a cart to the elderly?) were probably not spanked as children and grew up to be asshole adults. LOL, great minds…

Truly, the easiest way to find random joy is to help others. An act of kindness, no matter how small, creates a wave of happiness in their life and yours. Something as basic as holding a door open for someone or telling a stranger how nice they look.

Again with my online research, engaging in acts of kindness not only helps those in need but also boosts your own sense of happiness. (I’m Sheri Fredricks and I approve this message.)

medium short coated white dog on white textile

Cute Animals

I only have to look at Kitt the Shit and I’m all smiles. I can’t resist her adorable little face. Whether it’s an uncoordinated puppy or a playful kitten, animals bring smiles to my face.

Some people make fun of those who watch cute animal videos online, but I’m telling you, it’ll give you a quick hit of happiness. I don’t know why it is, either. My advice (not that anyone asked for it) is if you don’t have an animal to pet (because the act of petting a dog or cat—not a cow, though, because they’ll usually kick), then watching fun animal YouTube videos will significantly reduce your stress levels. Try it; you’ll like it! (Again, I’m not talking about petting the cow.)

woman and three children playing water

Children’s Laughter

This one is controversial. Nothing irritated me more than the sounds of my spawn laughing when it was half-past GO TO FUCKING BED! Especially when two parents want a little evening nookie time but they can’t because the little shits kept popping up next to our bed like living Jack-in-the-boxes and …. Whew, I need to go pet Kitt the Shit.

Okay—Most times, nothing is more infectious than the sounds of pure innocent joy heard in a child’s laughter. Best part for me is these days it isn’t my kid. I can walk away and not think about the scream-crying that will come later during the witching hour. Parents of little kids, here is something I discovered. While you are apologizing with embarrassment to random strangers for your kid crying or pitching a fit, remember this: their shrill little voices grate on your nerves more than anyone else’s.

Ergo, you might think little Dougie is cute when making faces at people or picking his nose, but chances are nobody else does. Don’t encourage the behavior by smiling at your kid, then looking around to see who’s watching your sideshow.

Still, a little kid’s laughter can light up a dull moment. Why? Well, for me, it reminds me of the carefree spirit of childhood. The time I vaguely remember before I understood gravity and had responsibilities. I swear, sometimes I can feel their random joy and playfulness.

a stack of vintage books on the bed

Books and Stories

Reading! How many times have I written this in one of my blogs that stories whisk us away into other worlds and times? Personally, I find random joy in losing myself between the pages of a well-written book.

Stories (cough*Sheri Fredricks*cough) can be a total escape and offer new views on life. Let’s say you picked up a romance about a porn star. Maybe Monica Beggs for instance, and you’ve always hated porn stars. Reading about one in a romance book may actually help you find empathy for them, which is a key ingredient for happiness. Um, empathy is the key ingredient for happiness, not the porn star. Though I’ve heard “happy endings” give joy to many. Grin!

Simply put, find your joy. Whether I find it in nature or through simple acts of kindness, random joy is all around. I think the hardest part is learning how to notice the sometimes small but always significant moments that bring the most happiness each day.

So, keep an eye on the prize to bring joy to your life! Wait, another thought just hit: I have to appreciate my random joy first to make it a gift I’ll enjoy. Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’m getting philosophical.

The bottom line is that it’s the little things that make the biggest differences in my moods and my life! Well, that and a working coffee pot.


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