And now for something new. . .

As an author, I’m often asked, “So, what are you writing?” WIP It Up gives you an insider’s look at what your favorite authors are cooking beneath their nimble fingers.

For the time being, I’ve put aside my Paranormal/Fantasy romance series The Centaurs and have noodled with a new idea.

The characters are a successful surfing equipment-line businessman (surfboards, wetsuits, etc.) and a film star at the height of her career.

(c) iMagestic
(c) Marin

Let me know how you like my action/adventure so far:


Title: None so far (suggestions are always welcome!)
Author: Sheri Fredricks (c) 2015


Even in his little coastal hometown of Pismo Beach, an
occasional adult movie actress would be seen.
With the help of a trusted partner, Finn ran an enormously
successful surf-line business. And as a thirty-six-year-old single guy, he’d seen his
fair share of X-rated movies.
Hot, hungry, take-your-hand-and-jack-yourself-off, Allyson Beggs
was one of those actresses. 
Finn smiled to himself as he ran her profile through his mind.
Classic girl-next-door qualities, except multiply her beauty one-hundred-percent. Shiny chestnut hair reaching for her tiny waist, brown eyes
that held you captive and liquefied your resistance. Those miracles of
Maybelline were beyond captivating, actually. Their amazing almond shape were utterly expressive and fringed with thick black lashes.
Just thinking of the last movie he’d seen her in made his dick
tingle and grow hard. Finn shifted in the chair to relieve the pressure against
his zipper.
Long, mile-high legs with shapely calves and
muscle-toned thighs. All tinted with a hue he’d call sun-kissed. Would she
be a matched color all over, or have sexy tan lines from a barely-there thong
Finn crossed his legs, then immediately thought
better when the material of his jeans pinched his tender nuts.
I hope you’ll visit the other HOT authors participating in WIP It Up Wednesday. They’re just a click away!
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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