I came across a blog post that truly inspired me.

Repeat After Me: “F*ck It, I’m Doing It Anyway”
(excerpt from Chuck Wendig)

Throughout your MYSTERIOUS AND WONDERFUL AND OCCASIONALLY MISERABLE ART JOURNEY, you will meet many naysayers, and you will be given enough advice that, if you wrote all this advice upon many pieces of paper, you would singularly destroy a significant portion of the world’s forests. 

You can always keep your ears open. You can always take in every piece of advice, every warning, every admonishment, and you can regard it the way one regards a strange animal skull in the woods (“Was this a possum? A cat? A Bandersnatch?”). 

But when you know what you want to do, do it anyway. Even if it seems unwise. 

Someone will always tell you that art is a bad idea. They will tell you that book you want to write won’t sell. They will explain to you how you’d be a far better lawyer, doctor, barista, horse whisperer, or orgy custodian. 

They will say: “You shouldn’t do that.” 

And you will say: “Fuck it, I’m doing it anyway.”

AWESOME stuff, Chuck!


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