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It’s not easy to write a scene that
captures your reader’s imagination. To hold them in a grip so
tight . . . they go up in flames.
Sizzling heat. Clenched teeth.
Desire beyond reason…or rationale.

It doesn’t have to be graphic.
can increase the pounding of our blood. 
Lead us to the moment.
Keep us hanging
by a thread.
Here’s a scene that pulls the tension tight.

soft skin called to him in whispered undertones aided by his memory. Earthy
scents wafted up to tease his nose and his nibbling lips found the erotic spot
just below her ear. 
good too,” he murmured, his lips traveling the juncture between her shoulder
and neck. Tattoo-like markings stood contrary to her coloring. He held his
breath, waiting for the expected sense of war-inflicted hatred to erupt.
Instead, a pressure bloomed in his chest, his heart swelling. Unfamiliar with
the new chemistry mixing in his body, he sat back and absorbed the sensation,
content to just be for once.
she chatted about Pan knows what, Rhy
ate without tasting his food, mesmerized by the movement of her erotic mouth.
Her lips and tongue moved in perfect synchronicity, dancing in and out over her
Oh. My. Gods.
vortex of insanity threatened to reach up and pull him in. Incredibly, his
arousal inflated to raise a tented gable in his shorts. Never in his life had
he wanted a female more. One night with Patience, one week, a whole
lifetime—and it would never be enough.
nipples were hard under her borrowed shirt that read Blood
‘n Guts
. Without realizing what he was doing, he stacked his mug on top of
his empty plate, and moved to stand next to Patience.
Wazzup?” Then her eyes drifted down. “Oh
. . . my.”
Okay people! I showed you mine – now
it’s your turn to show me yours. Don’t forget to leave your book title and a
link so interested parties can rush out and buy a copy
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